Rucsac notebook 15 elegant protection...
Rucsac notebook 15 elegant protection...
Rucsac notebook 15 elegant protection...

Rucsac notebook 15 elegant protection for laptops with displays up

91,73 lei
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Rucsac Notebook 15" elegant protection for laptops with displays up to 15.6 inch. Elegant and lightweight Cross-dyed woven fabric making


Rucsac Notebook 15" elegant protection for laptops with displays up to 15.6 inch. Elegant and lightweight Cross-dyed woven fabric making for a truly beautiful accessory to any slim line laptop. Elegant and stylish Backpack. Front big pocket for quick-access your essentials Elegant and lightweight Cross-dyed woven fabric. Finished in stylish warm dark grey and stretch to shoulder strap. Laptop compartment fits up to 15.6 inch laptop with Velcro laptop strip. ASUS reflective logo Dimension:43(L) x11(W) x 30(H)cm, Weight: 0.39kg. Space for computer: 38(L) x 2.32(W) x 25.1(H)cm

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